Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Quibans 78: Expensive wine

In my Spanish class we read a newspaper article about the most expensive wine in the world.  Here is my translation of part of that article:

This is the most expensive wine in the world and it’s made in Spain.
Each bottle of AurumRed ‘gold series’ costs €25,000.  Hilario García produces 300 of these bottles per season, of which he sells 150 immediately and reserves the rest for repeat clients, and there are some of them.
The cellar also produces 6,000 bottles per year of the ‘silver series’, at €2,200 per piece and 3,000 bottles of sauvignon blanc, which is much more accessible at €30.

1)      What is the average cost of a bottle of wine from this vineyard?
2)      Comment on the usefulness of this answer

Translation: MD

Original text:
Así es el vino más caro del mundo, que se hace en España
Cada botella de AurumRed serie oro cuesta 25.000 euros.  Hilario García produce al año 300 de estas botellas, de las que comercializa 150 por temporada, y reserva el resto para los clientes que quieren repetir, que los hay.

De la bodega salen también 6.000 botellas al año de la serie plata, a 2.200 euros la pieza, y 3.000 de sauvignon blanc mucho más asequibles, a unos 30 euros.

Quibans 110: American eating habits

From the Daily Telegraph My British mind boggles at American eating habits Outside a convenience store in Kansas, I got talking to a ma...